How to Transition Your Skincare Routine with the Changing Season

How to Transition Your Skincare Routine with the Changing Season

There’s nothing more glorious than summer for some. However, others prefer the golden autumn. Even those who love bracing winter of skiing, skating, or simply sitting by a blazing fire. Regardless of what you think of the colder seasons, we’re headed that way soon. As “endless” summer inevitably turns to fall and then winter, you’ve got some decisions to make. Sure, you’ll want to update your wardrobe and put away your swimsuit, but you’ll have to consider some changes that are even more basic. You’ve got to make sure your skincare routine keeps up with the changing seasons. After all, summer and winter are very different in their effect on your skin.

Transitioning Your Skincare Routine
The major seasonal difference is in terms of the humidity factor. You probably had more than enough humidity this summer. But winter is different. Less humidity dries out your face faster, and that can lead to chapping and quick skin damage. So you need to take special care to hydrate your skin as the days grow shorter.

Start your morning routine by cleansing your face carefully with a water-based cleanser.

Your moisturizer needs to work harder in the wintertime too, so it should be richer in content. Use a moisturizer that contains hydrating emollients. Don’t simply use the same moisturizer you put on your face in June, July, and August. It won’t give you enough of what you need.

Between your cleansing practices and moisturizer, use a hydrating (you’ll hear that word a lot when it comes to winter prep) serum. Use one with Vitamin C since your skin will naturally get much less of that vital nutrient than during your summer months.

Some Things Are Forever
Sure, you’re going to cleanse more, change up your moisturizer and make some other seasonal changes like fall and winter approaches. But that doesn’t mean you change everything. For starters, you still need a sunscreen of SPF 30 or more.

We can get a bit haphazard with the sunscreen when we stop seeing that orange globe for three winter months. (Much longer, depending on where you live.) How much damage can the sun be doing our skin if we so rarely see it?

Answer: A lot! That’s because skin-harming UV rays are always out there during daylight hours. You know that during the summer months, so you lather up liberally whenever you leave the house. Having no protection in the daylight hours of winter leaves you especially vulnerable to UV attacks.

It’s also important to remember to use a mineralizing thermal water spray as part of your preparation for the day. Again: it adds hydration.

Hydrate Always
Keep your water bottle as close at hand in January as you had it in August.
This is worth mentioning because of the supple effect that adequate hydration has on your skin. But summertime activities under a hot sun — running, beach trips, volleyball, picnics and the like — make us thirstier than when we’re lolling around the house all day in the middle of a blizzard.

That’s why it can be so easy to forget our good hydration practices during the winter months. That water bottle is just as important in December as it is during your hotter and “thirstier” months.

Look to Cirem
Does all of this sound complicated? We can see how it might. That’s why Cirem Skincare makes it as easy as possible to maintain the beautiful you. We have the full line of high-performance luxury skincare products that are 100% clean and non-toxic, with ingredients crafted by beauty experts and chemists.

Trust us to help you make the seasonal transition easy and keep your skin looking supple and healthy 365 days a year.

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